Let's start with an update on Saami, our reindeer. Below is an overview of the carving area around Saami.

Saami is getting some detailing on his body.

I wanted Mike to see the drawing of the Nisseman (gnome) that will adorn Saami.

Below is Sampson the rooster.

and a detail of Sampson.

The horse, Buster, is quite far along.

And below is the current progress of Freedom.

Here's a shot of Sir Hugo Page, the griffin's front end.

There's a dragon named Yun Hsiang in progress.

In the paint area is Hope, the giraffe, on the left, Tax, the black buck antelope in the center, and Sir Adrian Chapman, the armored horse on the right.

Peace, the lioness is looking peaceful.

Tuesday the cat looks nearly done.

That's all for now.